Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Whitey the Trick Chicken

Whitey the Trick Chicken

Good Morning All.  My last post I was sick and sad but God met me in the grief and sadness and I am feeling better.    I have been up since 3am sneezing so I decided I would tell you the story about Whitey's Adventure this week. 

Last spring, Will bought me 20 baby hens.  The store told us there were 10 California Whites, 5 black sexlinks, and 5 red sexlinks.  I think the store did not have a clue about what they were selling because I have 9 beautiful golden chickens who have sweet dispositions and are great layers and are very social.  I have Whitey who was part of the group of supposed California White's but she was more white and had an eagle looking head.  I now know that she is an Americauna.  The black hens were actually sexlinks but the red sex links are Egyptian chickens called Fayums I think. 

Whitey is my only hen of the mistaken breeds that lays green eggs.  She is also the only one of my hens that lives in the backyard with the dogs...oops dog...DeeDee.  This last several weeks, my hens have been venturing out of my yard and pasture and have been playing in the street.  Sadly, 3 hens have been ran over so I had to take corrective action.  My chickens have been in lock down in their hen house.  I told them that unhappy is better than dead.  Whitey doesn't live in the hen house though, she lays her eggs there when the doors are open in the morning.  She is always there waiting outside the door eager to get inside the nesting box.  This week when I put my other hens on lockdown, that meant that Whitey could not get in and lay her egg.  This development completely discombobulated her.  The first day, she followed me everywhere and kept standing outside the hen house.  She came into the garage and tried to lay an egg up above the wood box.  She got up on the shelves in the tack room and tried to lay an egg.  It was very like the story of the 3 bears for Whitey that day.  The garage was too busy, the tack room shelf was too hard and the barn was just too strange.  I felt so sad for her that I went foraging for something that I could use to make a nest for her.  There were some buckets that my Dad had quite cleverly converted into chicken nests.  I put new hay in it and put it up on the shelf where Whitey nests at night.  That night, I went to check on Whitey and she was not on her roost.  The hay in the nest had not been disturbed.  I looked everywhere for her.  She is my favorite chicken (but that's our private secret, the others cannot know this).  All night long I kept waking up and thinking about Whitey.  Nellie, my dog, and I took a flashlight 4 or 5 times in the night and looked all over the backyard, in the little barn, in the big barn but no Whitey.  There has been a hawk terrorizing us and I was afraid that perhaps it had captured Whitey.  I was very sad.  In the morning, I went looking for her again.  I looked in all the same places but she was missing.  I thought I would re-check the backyard.  I decided to call her name just in case she was in hiding.  I called and then heard a tiny chit chatter....a little warbling brck, brck, brck.  I looked around and could not find her.  I followed the sound and realized the sound was coming from deep in the back of the bucket but the hay was pulled up so I could not see into the bucket.  I called again and my silly chicken worked her head through the hay and poked her little head out looking at me like "here I am silly Mom!".  I checked the bucket after she had climbed out to have her morning constitutional and there was a beautiful green egg. 

I had to share, I hope you are laughing at my goofiness.  I am going to bake some more yummies today.  I am going to post recipes later after I have created all that I intend to.  Have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sad Week


I really hope that all of you are having a better week than I am having.  Have you ever been bombarded by bad things in your life all at once?  I know in the bible Job was surely bombarded much worse than I have been and that gives me the encouragment to know that God is in control and that everything that is happening in my life has been sifted through His loving hands.  He never leaves me nor forsakes me.  He uses all things for good for me.  I will see the work of His hand in causing all these things to happen.  I am reflecting today that I need to pray to learn quickly all the lessons wrapped in all these trials so that they will be over and I will not experience them again.  Do you know what I mean?

December is tough for me........really really really tough.  I am struggling to try to make December better this year but I have not had a good start.  December is the month of the year that I am always very conscious that I do not belong anywhere.  It always makes me very sad.  I hope that Will and I can start a new pack of December traditions that will remove the fear of December in me.  He is working nights all month though so I will not see him much this month.  Daulton leaves next week for his Mom's for the Christmas break.  I am going to spend the lonely blocks of time seeking God's fellowship. 

December 2 is the anniversary of my Mom's graduation into heaven.  I am secure in the knowledge that I know where she is and I know she is much better and happier there.  I miss her lots though this time of year because it has been two years and I can still hear her voice in my head exclaiming joy at the first snowfall, giving me advice on how to winterize everything, admonishing me to cover my head, put on house slippers and to not go out of the house with a wet head.  I am smiling while I am typing this to you because I really can hear her in my head. I miss her.

This week we had our first snowfall of the year and it was lovely to wake up to.  I have several employees sick so I had to work but then I caught their yuckiness and was running a fever so I could not attend the blessed TMBS Christmas luncheon yesterday.  Monday we found a hen had frozen to death in the snow.  She was Lucy Goosey and I feel like a horrid mother because I was at work and she was cold and I was not here to help her.  Yesterday, I went out into the little storage room where my outside dogs live and found one of my Mom's dogs, Taylor had died in the night.  I do not know what she died of.  She was only five.  I had bought her for Mom when she had first been diagnosed with cancer so that she would have a little puppy to bring her joy.  She did her job admirably.  I am sad that she has died though.  Daulton helped me bury them yesterday afternoon.  I was glad that Taylor can be in heaven with Mom. Yes, I am a person who believes that all dogs go to heaven whether it's scriptural or not.  I base this on God loving all of His creatures and in my own pollyanna way, I need to believe that I will see my beloved dogs in heaven.  I think that when I am heaven and discover that it might not be true, I will be in heaven and it will not matter to me by then.  Yesterday, one of our neighbors sadly committed suicide.  Yesterday was a completely awful day and to have a day like that with a bad cold and a fever........oh well, today is another day.  The sun is shining, the Lord who loves me is seated on His throne in heaven and I have many blessings to count. 

Today, Wednesday, I am taking Will to the dentist to have some major work done on a terrible tooth that is hurting him.  He is afraid of needles and they are going to need to give him anything possible to help him not freak out. 

I have serious doubts about my abilities and my worthiness for anything today. I do not feel like I am doing anything well so I ask those of you reading this to pray that God will speak to me in my quiet place and help me to yank myself up out of the doldrums and seek God's shining face in the midst of these trials.  Crisis is not fun.  My sister said in her blog this week that crisis makes her run back to God and see the blessings of life with new fervor.  I know lots of people in this world are disappointed in me today.  I really need God's strength to help me to be a person who even I can be thankful for. 

Sorry I had to vent in this blog and write these thoughts.  I hope you can read it and be thankful that you are not having the week that I am having.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Total Contentment

Happy Saturday Everyone!

I am prayerful that all that read this are happy, thankful and as content as I am this morning.  I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Did you have any food mishaps? I did but they ended up being unimportant because everything is being gobbled up.  I love to cook.  I love to see satisfied happy faces when they eat my food.  I had my favorite Thanksgiving ever.  We decided to stay to ourselves.  I cooked happily all day Wednesday.  I feel so relaxed when I am cooking.  Do you ever feel that way?  We had Will's Mom over and enjoyed the visit. I think we have found a new Thanksgiving tradition.  This is the first Thanksgiving that I have ever stayed home and I loved it.  I made all of my desserts sugar free with the use of Stevia and Splenda.  They were yummy.  I will always do that as I love that I do not feel gross and sugar-loaded after indulging. 

I believe perspective about my life is so important to my being content.  Counting all the things that I feel blessed to experience and have is so much more productive than worrying about the things that are not in my life.  Everything is given to me by God and He knows all things.  Who am I to want more when I have all that He intends for me to have?

Perspective.......blessed or wanting, it really is a choice.  I recently hired the sweetest Philippine woman to work at the store.  She was telling me yesterday while we worked that conditions in her country are deplorable.  She said that there are not any jobs and that she sends what she earns back there to help her family.  She came here four months ago as a mail order bride.  She is 49 and her husband is probably 70 or 80.  She is so happy to be able to be working.  She had her first Thanksgiving Thursday.  She said, "I eat Turkey for first time, it good.  My husband say 'No Philippine food', but I have to have my rice and my fruit salad.  She said she is blessed that her husband is kind to her and his children are kind to her.  We all love her so much.  She is a sweet Christian.  She takes nothing for granted.  She LOVES Christmas.  She has had her Christmas tree and Christmas lights up for weeks.  She has been singing Christmas carols for a month or more.  She said that she has not ever seen snow except on television and that she is so excited to see it snow. I remember when I came for Christmas one year here to Oklahoma and I had not ever had snow at Christmas.  The weather man had predicted snow on Christmas Eve.  I was so excited.  I got up in the morning and came into the living room and looked out the window.  NO SNOW! Boo! I told my Mom that the weather man was on crack and came back into the bedroom to get dressed.  Ten minutes later Mom said, "Trace.....come see", I walked into the living room and outside giant fluffy snowflakes were floating down.  It was so beautiful.  We decided that we would have a day of watching the snow.  I built a huge fire in the fireplace, we turned the chairs around to sit and watch the snow.  She made a pot of beans. We stayed in our pajamas all day and watched old movies and gloried at the snow.

My Mom had a flower shop in the store.  I sadly am not talented at arranging flowers and so I have not been doing very much with the flower shop.  Yesterday, she asked me if she could decorate the store for Christmas using the things in the flower shop.  She said artistic people would be so thankful for all of the ribbon, baskets, flowers, etc., that are in the flower shop.  I told her she can play learning arranging and making gift baskets.  I told her that I will bring a stereo and Christmas music so that it can be playing in the store all month.  It is funny how someone's childlike joy can inspire me to be thankful and excited about Christmas.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday.  Enjoy and remember no matter what you are blessed.  Focus on what is great in your life and you will be amazed at how much God loves you.



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tired Tuesday

Good Evening

Today is a short posting because I was with 12 two and three year old children this morning and my brain is foggy.  I wanted to update on the adventures of Will and I before I forget what we did.

He LOVES his new position at work.  I love that he is not stressed.  Daulton loves that he only has to work 8 hours per day.  I cannot express my gratitude and thankfulness that God worked out his situation perfectly and in God's time. I really had confidence a year ago when we started praying for Will to be able to get out of his old position but like most people I did lose focus a couple times during the year as a result of impatience or frustration.  I rejoice in the way that God worked it all out though. 

At bible study we are studying Genesis and this week we were studying Genesis 18 where the three visitors come to Abraham's tent.  God tells Abraham that Sarah, Abraham's wife, will have a son when He returns the same time next year.  Sarah was eavesdropping inside the tent and laughed and thought to herself how impossible that was since she was worn out and Abraham was so old.  I was trying to think of a way to explain to 2 and 3 year old children that waiting on God's time and patience are good things.  I really believe that I failed.  I must admit that I am not the most patient person, or have not been in the past.  I am beginning to mature enough to know that anything that I want that is outside of God's will for my life comes at too high a price.  I did not make my point though to the babies.  I am thankful that Genesis will have several more lessons that involve waiting on God and so I will pray for wisdom and maybe I will be more successful next time.

This past weekend we worked very hard.  A water line in the big barn had been broken and so we worked helping to repair that.  We then went down to the little fishing lake on this property to begin the clean-up after the damage caused by the swamp monster.  We had to carry trees, limbs, brush and make piles to burn.  We cleared brush, fished trees out of the water and raked the shoreline to beautify it and make it much more useful for camping.  We made a decent dent in the process but we still have a long way to go.  Will was so sore that he hurt every step, every sit and every stand.  I did not work as hard as he did so I was not as sore.  He probably lost more weight than I did though, bummer for me.

Damage before. We carried all of these trees, twigs and brush and made burn piles.     
 Boston is the dear little dog in the foreground.  Tonight, I could not find my horse, Flicka.  She usually comes running when I whistle but did not tonight.  I asked Will if he would take me to hunt for her on the 4-wheeler.  We thought we were taking an evening ride to find Flicka and then go deer spotting.  We got on the 4-wheeler just as Flicka crested a hill at a trot coming home.  She is my horse-dog.  After that we were going deer spotting.  We love to ride around on the 4-wheeler and spot beautiful deer crossing out of the timber to come to the lake and drink.  Tonight Boston was running beside the 4-wheeler and across our back pasture, we saw a gorgeous large buck and a doe.  We did not think Boston saw them at first but then he bolted.  He ran so fast that we could not catch him.  He chased the deer into the timber/forest and disappeared.  Oh my!!!! We were terrified.  We were yelling and whistling for him but did not find him for what seemed an eternity, about 10 minutes.  I felt like a parent who says when they find a missing child that they do not know whether to hug or scold and always end up hugging. 

All is well now, Flicka is home, Boston is safe and I am going to bed early.  Thank you Lord for protecting us all.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden | Eartheasy Blog

5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden | Eartheasy Blog

New job

Hello Everyone

I have been checking my stats and have found that I have readers from several different countries so I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog and welcome you.  I wish some of you would follow my blog so that I can meet you.

I have not posted a blog in November so far.  I had written the blog about the swamp monster several weeks ago but had not posted it.  Much has been happening in the lives of Will and I and I have fallen behind.

Firstly, Will has been going to school to get his CDL, Commercial Drivers License.  He wanted it to qualify him for a better position at his company.  God has richly blessed us in the most amazing ways during this process.  He studied hard and passed his written tests a couple months ago and then has been going to school to be trained and to be able to pass the gigantic tests to obtain the actual license.  The blessings come from all kinds of directions.  He was allowed to take a leave of absence from work to be able to attend the school.  His company does not usually permit anyone to do that for any reason, yet they allowed Will.  He has been wanting a job in shipping at his company for as long as I have known him.  His department is the most difficult department in the entire company and he has been there 11 years.  He was ready for a change and Daulton and I are ready for him to have a change. Last Friday, he called the Human Resources department of the company to ask for another week of leave.  The head of the department told Will that there is an opening in shipping and wanted to know if Will wanted it.  Praise the Lord!!!!! There was not an application or interview just the dream job for Will plunked in his lap.  That morning I had been thinking that it was going to be so difficult for Will to return to his department after being gone to the school.  I stood in my kitchen looking out the window with a feeling of dread and sorrow for Will but said a heartfelt prayer to the Lord that another position would present itself and the Lord answered immediately, he had the position offered that afternoon and secured by Monday morning.  God is so great.  Will said this is the best thing that has ever happened to him outside of accepting the Lord as his savior and meeting me of course!

Secondly, Will was feeling like he needed practice with the components of the test.  He called two men last weekend to ask if he could practice these parts of the test on their trucks and both men were so gracious and wonderful to Will.  We spent the afternoon with me quizzing him on the air break test and on the pre-trip inspection.  I know the parts of the truck now too!! Anyhow today, he was tested on all of the components that we studied last weekend and he passed all of them.  He now only has the driving which he will pass and needs some more practice backing and he is ready to start his new job! Halleluiah!  He has been so nervous but I took our fears and emotions to God in prayer also and asked that He would have total recall and a peace and calm and that was answered immediately also.  There is no detail of our lives that is unimportant to our Lord.  I am always humbled when I think of how huge, mighty and powerful that God is and yet the prayers of Will and Tracy are important to Him.

Galatians 5:22-26 ERV
22 But the fruit that the Spirit produces in a person’s life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these kinds of things. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their sinful self. They have given up their old selfish feelings and the evil things they wanted to do. 25 We get our new life from the Spirit, so we should follow the Spirit. 26 We must not feel proud and boast about ourselves. We must not cause trouble for each other or be jealous of each other. 

We are in love with the Lord.  Have a wonderful day.

Triumph - The Swamp Monster is Trapped

Good Day!

Will and I have been trying for a while to trap the swamp monster down at my fishing lake.  The lake is at the bottom of some hills on my property with timber all the way around it.  It did have more timber around it but now after living there a year, the swamp monster has felled many many trees.

The view before the swamp monster and the drought

The view before the swamp monster moved in

Several weekends ago, Will went on a reconnaissance mission.  He took Daulton down there with a gun and Daulton sat and waited to see if he could get a shot at the swamp monster but Daulton never saw it.  Will tracked around the banks to see if he could see where it was living.  Last weekend, we went and bought a trap and put it down in the water where the swamp monster seemed to be going in and out.  Will showed me how he could tell which hole was actively used.  There were new claw marks from the critter and hairs.  The bank had several holes up and down it but Will thought that he had found the current hole.  We set the trap and anchored it to the bank with rebar and limbs. If the swamp monster had burrowed into the banks of the dam we would have been in terrible trouble but he was burrowing into the sides of the lake.  He has also built part of a dam across the lake that we will need to remove so that we can fish up into the inlets. Several nights this week, we went down to check the trap but nothing was in it, boo.
Part of the damage done to the trees

Where trees once were

A few nights after we set the trap, we went down to check the trap and I was thinking it was empty.  Will went down the bank before me and exclaimed, "We got him!" I was so excited and so we hustled to the trap and there it was. A BEAVER! Shudder  It weighed 42.5 pounds.

He eats trees no more!!!
I am sure that there are those of you that might read this and think we have been cruel but the trees this beaver has been eating is home and food to deer, squirrels, birds, insects, moths, butterflies, raccoons and possums.  The lake that is there is the main source of water to wildlife for miles because it is spring fed and does not dry up while the other ponds on most of the farms around are dry due to the drought.  If we had left him alive the habitat would have been destroyed. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Snapshots of the Journey Back 2 - The Miracle of Boundaries

Good Wednesday Morning to Everyone.  Wednesdays are the day where I always feel exhausted.  We have a cold front coming in today so I am watching out the open windows. The grey clouds are floating in and sticking together. The wind is still out of the South but we are promised that it will turn around and be blustery from the North.  I love cold rainy days.  I am the director of a new children's bible study and have leader's meeting on Mondays and class on Tuesdays.  Yesterday, I led most of the day for the 2 and 3 year old children.  They are adorable and funny.  We had a great day. It really is amazing to see God's Holy Word take root in these very young children.  I am always exhausted on Wednesdays though.  The other leaders say that they feel the same way.  I always enjoy the peace and quiet on Wednesdays to refocus on the next lesson and take inventory of my chores for the remainder of the week. 

I am continuing my series of the Snapshots from the Journey Back.  It is the chronicle of the miracle of emotional healing that God brought about in me after a lifetime of damage being acquired by my own sin and the sin of others.  God brought me through with the use His Word, a Christian Counselor, a Church family and amazing resources to read and study.  The first leg of the journey began with the book Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.

I was the adult survivor of mental, emotional, physical abuse, spousal emotional and physical abuse and was the survivor of growing up in the home of an alcoholic.  I had survived some major life traumas. My family dynamic was marred with generational abuse, conditional love, triangulation, mental manipulation and addiction.  I have discovered though that the people that I was raised by and married to did love me the best that they knew how, they were damaged themselves and thus the generational damage resulted. I was created by God to be "soft=hearted and weak" as my family deemed me.  I was even termed "spineless" by my father.  The combination of all of these things stirred around and muddled together caused me to emerge as a person who desperately needed approval, acceptance and love and would do ANYTHING to get it.  I could not ask for help.  I felt extreme hurt when I asked for help and did not receive it.  I was terrified to ask for my needs to be met.  I had a very dysfunctional character trait where I would do and do for people to get them to approve of me to the point of making them dependent on me so that I could feel approved and accepted. I was over committed, over worked, empty and hopeless. 

My fruit of these things was a life void of any appropriate boundaries.  My Christian Counselor noticed this immediately because of the fact that I was afraid to do anything for myself, afraid to recognize that I had needs and had been pleasing people so long that I didn't even know how to choose a favorite color.  He recommended the book Boundaries.  I recall being shocked when I read about what a boundary was and how God's Word calls us to "Love our neighbor as ourselves".  I also recall that I could see a slim chance that something important and miraculous could be hidden in the concept of boundaries.  The book explained the verse in a way that was foreign to me.  I was very good at loving my neighbor in dysfunctional  ways because I did not have an ounce of love for myself.  In fact I only had self-loathing for myself.  Having a need was weak in my eyes.  Saying no to someone was wrong in my eyes.  I had to start with this verse which God includes in His Holy Word 9 times.  God commands us: 

Leviticus 19:18
Never get revenge. Never hold a grudge against any of your people. Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am the Lord.

Jesus confirms it in these verses:

Matthew 19:19
Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Matthew 22:39
The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’

Mark 12:31
The second most important commandment is this: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

Mark 12:33
To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself is more important than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

Luke 10:27
He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.’ And ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ”

The same is confirmed in these verses:

Romans 13:9
The commandments, “Never commit adultery; never murder; never steal; never have wrong desires,” and every other commandment are summed up in this statement: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Galatians 5:14
All of Moses’ Teachings are summarized in a single statement, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

James 2:8
You are doing right if you obey this law from the highest authority: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

If you study these verses and think about yourself and about your family and friends you will see that people that have been damaged can be convicted by these verses in different ways and usually tend to gravitate towards each other in relationship.  There are people that are very good at loving themselves but not their neighbors and are termed controllers, abusers, selfish, self-absorbed and many others terms.  There are also people that are very good at loving their neighbors but not themselves and they are termed abuse victims, compliants, selfless, weak, scattered, flaky and lots of other terms.  I believe that God sent a miracle to me by revealing through His Holy Spirit that I must keep both sides of this commandment. The Ten Commandments can be summed up into these 2 commandments.  God revealed to me how out of balance my life was.  I was very much in love with God and still am.  It is easy for me to love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength.  It has been easy for me to love my family and friends.  It is still difficult to love myself.  I have developed and love myself more today and accept and approve of myself more today than ever in my life.  I am still a work in progress though. 

If anyone that is reading this feels any kind of identification with what I am describing, I highly recommend the book "Boundaries" or any of the "Boundary" resources.  I also recommend "New Life Live" that is on the radio and on cable TV.  My Church in Bakersfield offered small groups that explored Boundaries and emotional healing, I recommend those too.  I will provide more about this part of the journey in my next post in the series but for now we should all reflect on these verses and see if there is any work that might be done to be obedient to these two commandments.

Have a glorious Wednesday.  I can feel the temperature dropping and I am so excited about the rain that is promised.  I want to wear a sweatshirt!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Snapshots of the Journey Back

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is the day for me to continue the Hell and Back series but now the name has changed to Snapshots of the Journey Back because once I went to Robert's office and my ex-husband gone, the Hell was behind me and God had my feet planted firmly on the path.  I was finally moving in the direction of having the wonderful life that I am living now.  I was very damaged though and a thorough emotional mess.  It is bizarre to ask God to take my recollections back now to who I was then.  I have changed so much, glory be to God.  I am new wine now and cannot be put into the old wine skin.

Matthew 9:17
Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
Matthew 9:16-18

Old Wine Skin
In this blog post I am going to explore the humorous.  I had not been allowed to do so very many things for the 12 years that I had lived in my ex-husband's house.  I was seeing Robert and he was encouraging me to find myself.  It had been so long since that I had forgotten who "myself" was.  I decided to embark on an adventure of trying things to see what appealed to me. 

I remember being so very nervous to call the telephone company to put in a telephone line and an internet line (remember the old dial-up connections?). I was so nervous that I called Robert and asked for an appointment.  I went into his office and before I sat down, I said "Robert, I think I have done a very bad thing." His eyes got big and he asked what I had done.  I said "I ordered a home phone and internet." He simply said, "Tracy, most people have home phones."  I am cracking up laughing now as I type this for several reasons. One is what must he have been thinking the "really bad thing" I had done was before I said so and Two, how sweet he was not to laugh at me for being so backwards.  I really was terrified that I was going to get in trouble for having a phone.  It felt incredible to have a phone and internet.  It is really a miracle that God has brought me so far from who I was then that I can laugh at it now.  Praise God for Robert's good heart and kind spirit. 

Along with the telephone in that first few months, I had 3 ways to brew coffee, 13 rugs in a 900 sq ft hut, cable television and a gas grill.  I was a WILD WOMAN! ha ha.  I felt very naughty having any of these things.  They were contraband.  I took golf lessons, I bought a camping RV and learned to tow it and set it up, I played tennis, I went snow skiing, I bought my horse, I sailed the Mediterranean and the Aegean to the Greek Isles and the Amalfi Coast, I went out to dinner after dark, I visited friends, I made new friends, I became a children's leader at an evening bible study (that occurred after the sun went down).  I am sure there are more things that I did but these are what comes to mind today. These adventures were so far outside my comfort zone. I am giddy to think how free and amazing my life is today.  Peaceful, serene, free, exciting, loving. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blessed Life in a Small Community

Great Wednesday to everyone!  I hope that you are having a wonderful day.  Today is our first day of really cool temperatures.  I am enjoying the sunshine and brisk air.

My post today is about life in a small community.  Monday, I was driving through our tiny town called Tishomingo.

As I drove through town, I noticed lots of teenagers writing on the windows of all of the shops along main street in town.  I assumed that it was homecoming or something and smiled a little.  Tuesday, I was in town again and read a couple of the windows.  To my amazement, the writing was not for a sporting event but was to honor a young girl who lost her battle with cancer over the weekend.  Her name was Stevy.  I did not ever meet her but have heard so much about her.  Many of the messages said that she will always remain the hero of the high schoolers who wrote the messages.  I thought about and prayed for her parents that have to be grieving and emotionally and physically drained.  I thought how I felt the week after Mom passed away.  I had been her only care-giver and I was not really thinking clearly that week.  I was only focused on getting through each hour.  I thought how they must feel driving through town and seeing that in her young life, she had deeply impacted the youth of this small town in a very positive way.  I love that earlier in the year, the town sponsored a 5K, 10K run in support of Stevy and her family to raise money for them.  I read in the paper that there was a huge turnout.  I had so much community support as Mom was dying and I am sure Stevy's family has been comforted by the support of their community.  I love living in a small town where every member of the community matters to all the other members.

I did not have a sense of community when I moved to Oklahoma from California.  The common thing to do in California is to pull into your driveway/garage and go in your house.  Leisure time is usually spent in the backyard surrounded by the 8ft privacy fences.  I did not interact with my neigbors much even when my neighbors were my dear brother and sister's families.  I am glad that God brought me to a place where I can be a part of a supportive, kind loving community.  Thank you LORD.

The things that mattered to me when I came here were nearby shopping and restaurants.  The abundance of great food items to purchase and prepare. I do not miss those things.  I do drive 1 hour to bible study, 96 miles round trip twice weekly.  I do drive 30 minutes to the nearest Walmart.  I drive 1 hour for shopping other than Walmart.  It does not matter to me.  I love being part of this community and love life in a small town.  The things that matter now are much better for me. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Treasures, Adventures and Memories

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful crisp morning.  A glorious Saturday for sure.  I think because of the extended drought that our trees are not yet turning color.  I think they were so stressed through the drought that their biological clocks are off.  They can't tell the days are shorter because they are busy drinking up all the moisture that's in the soil for their parched trunks.  I have been seeing beautiful photos on blogs of lovely fall color.  We will get ours soon enough.  Nonetheless, it is gorgeous and cool this morning.  I am enjoying the green pastures.
My chickens hunting bugs

This pasture has been brown so long that I marvel at it

I'm sure the farmer of this field hates these yellow flowers which are weeds but I like it

I still have lots of figs and am excited to make something

I ate these this morning :)

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Little baby okra's finally

Crepe Myrtles still in bloom

I have been inspired to finally go through my Mom and Dad's home to clean and organize.  I find that I have let enough time go by where the pain has turned into fond memories.  My parents were not technically hoarders but they loved to collect things.  LOTS AND LOTS OF THINGS.  They also liked projects, LOTS AND LOTS OF PROJECTS.  I am not a collector and clutter challenges my ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) to its outer limits.  I have been dreading settling into Mom's house because of the need to sort through and organize before I can bring my things in.  It is a God thing though that I waited because I am truly having a great time.

My Mom, step-mom actually, and I did not like each other or become friends until after my Dad died in 2003.  She said that she accepted the LORD 2 weeks before Dad died and that caused her heart to change.  I had been through 3 years of counseling and healing at the point my Dad died and so God had worked out the details in such a way that we were both lonely, recovering, healing women and I was blessed to become her friend.  She was my best friend and I do miss her and her eccentricities very much.

They moved to Oklahoma in 1990.  I did not have much contact with them for those 13 years.  I had my own problems (see Hell and Back blogs).  As I venture through cupboards, closets and drawers, I find that it is a bit like a treasure hunt because they collected so many things that I find a new amazing thing everyday.  I find that it is comforting to pick up an object and ponder about what it is, why she saved it and what was the conversation between she and Dad when they bought it.  They lived life like an adventure too and so I do not know what phase of collecting they were in when they found lots of this stuff.

Yesterday was the completion of the hall linen closet and a large cupboard in the kitchen and all of her hope chests and quilt keepers.  In the closet I found an abundance of table cloths, cloth napkins, doilies and some baby clothes from when we were children. I remember big family dinners served on those table cloths. There were 8 in our family and there were always extra people in attendance at Sunday dinner.  We would have boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, grandchildren, friends and since we were all characters there were always stories and laughter......at least most of the time.  There is a gorgeous table cloth with the napkins that my brother Allan bought my Mom in Belgium with hand made battenbourg <so> lace.  I am going to send that in Allan's box so that he can use it with his family.

I did not know until I moved here that my Mom had taken up crocheting doilies.  My real Momma also crocheted doilies and so I have the doilies of both women and do not know who did which.  It will be comforting to press them and have them on the tables as a tribute to both of them.  There were embroidered pillow cases and needlepoint samplers.  I am not an embroidered pillow case or eyelet kind of girl but I will find something interesting to do with them.

I found oodles of fabric and batting that I am going to give to my Mother-in-law today because she has recently taken up quilting and I know that she will appreciate it and I will see some of it someday in the quilts that she makes.

I found lots and lots of yarn, knitting and crochet needles that I will donate to my dear friend Mary's prayer shawl ministry.  She has a wonderful ministry where she and a group of ladies get together and pray over each stitch of these shawls and give to women who need prayer, support and encouragement. My Mom tried to teach me to knit or crochet all of my life and I never could do it so she would be happy that it will go to support, love and encourage someone.

In the kitchen, I found this contraption that I could not identify.  I called the experts, my sister, my father-in-law-to-be and neither of them knew what it was.  I was about to ask my neighbor Johnny last night.  I got it out and was looking at it and realized that at some point my Mom was making her own cheese and it is a cheese press.  I have been day-dreaming about exploring how to make my own cheese now and so this contraption stays here. MMMMMM....comforting, melting, pungent cheese.

Today I am tackling the paintings in the closet and another large cupboard in the kitchen.  We can play a game with the stuff that I cannot identify and y'all can help me figure things out!  I have already put a beautiful fall table cloth on the table with her Halloween/Fall decorations on the table with lovely soy candles that I found.  Have a wonderful day today everyone. Can you guess what these are?


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Birth of Nesting and Treasures Found

Left to right - Dill, Rosemary, Parsley, Tarragon, Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Basil and Chives

I am so excited today, I can hardly contain myself.  I posted in a previous blog that my nesting instinct is still broken.  I had a wonderful talk with my dear sister, Kim, (http://fieldofmydreams.blogspot.com) and she wisely said that my nesting instinct is not broken, it is on hold because I am living in my Mom's home with all of her stuff and not my stuff.  She also said that since Will and I are engaged and we are building a new home that my nesting instincts will kick in when I am working on my new home.  An epiphany for me for certain.  She gave me lots of amazing advice during that one conversation.  It's wonderful to have an OLDER wise, godly sister.  I am sometimes ashamed that I am 49 years old and am so far behind women my age in terms of their "womanhood", housekeeping and decorating.  I really do get overwhelmed by the thought of playing catch-up at my age.  I will play catch-up though and I have received great help from two sources this week.  The first being my sister and the second being a blog I found this week called Christian HomeKeeper Network.

On her blog, Sylvia has some blogs called Fast and Furious Fall Cleaning.  They break your house down room by room, day by day and help you know how to do a thorough cleaning and organizing.  I have discovered that it has seemed so overwhelming to clean and organize my Mom's stuff because I had no clue about where to get started.  Breaking it down to room by room, closet by closet, drawer by drawer is easy for me to wrap my brain around and so I am starting with the closets that are not in rooms first.  Start small Tracy, start small.

Well my goodness me, God let me discover a treasure that Mom had not ever shown me or even spoken about in the hall linen closet.  I never use the hall linen closet because it is where she stored her unused fabric and suitcases.  I NEVER sew and so it was a painful reminder that I am sewing and craft challenged to look in that closet so I never looked.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Well, I started taking fabric out of the closet and stacking in according to colors, it was neat to see all the variety and envision a table cloth or something made out of them (I can sew napkins or tablecloths haha).  I cleared enough out that I could see into the closet to my total and complete glee I found this collection of herb bottles. It has sparked my utter creativity in thinking about the kitchen for our home.  God can use the simplest things to inspire us to move forward.  Thank you Kim and thank you Sylvia. They are all herbs that I enjoy growing.  They are also all herbs that I love to cook with although, I have not ever heard of or used Lemon Balm, any suggestions?  Each bottle has the name and a picture of the herb on the front and on the back it gives the uses of each herb.  I intend to make herb infused olive oils and/or vinegars.

Spearmint, which I have growing in abundance


Monday, October 10, 2011

DeeDee's Day

This evening I sat on my front porch.  The brilliant full moon was rising in the east.  The setting sun cast a glow over my brilliant verdant green pastures.  My hens were contentedly pecking in the grass.  The birds were singing. Little baby Grace was across the street playing and her peels of laughter floated across. My two small dogs were outside with me excitedly exploring the scents left during the day.  I decided to let my old border collie DeeDee out of the backyard to join us. 

DeeDee belonged to my Mom and Dad.  No one knows how old she truly is.  My sister, Kim took a guess at 16. She is an ageless dog. Her facial expressions and body language speak for her.....loudly.  Tonight her ears were forward, her eyes were smiling and she did that adorable bouncy thing with her front legs.  She loves to roam about the yard and by the barns with me. Today she got so excited, when I invited her to come out to roam with Boston, Nellie and I, that she was no help at all with penning up the chickens. She is usually my ace at circling the chickens and moving them to their pen at night but tonight there were too many fun things for her to do so work was out of the question.  I did not mind though because she has earned the right to run and romp and explore.

My Mom said she came to the farm as a stray.  Mom said that she and Dad were working in the garden and something started rustling in the corn.  Mom said she was afraid it was a snake and so she had the hoe poised to chop when out of the corn came a filthy crippled border collie puppy.  They named her DeeDee (D.D.) which stands for dirty dog.  She was starving and injured so they took her into the house and bathed and fed her and she has not ever left.  I keep her in the fenced backyard because I could not bear to have her be hit by a car.  I told her tonight that I am going to let her have the best year of her long life this year.  For DeeDee that means being let out of the backyard every time I am outside doing chores or walking. When I moved here, I had a perfect little Westie named Tinker.  Tinker was only 2 when I moved here and she was a might mischievous, ALL terrier. Sweet DeeDee would let her chew on the side of her face for a little bit but then she would raise up on her front paws so that Tinker could not reach her face.  She never snapped at Tinker.  Tinker eventually grew out of the terrible 2's.  Tinker was a bit of a brute to all dogs except DeeDee. DeeDee is special in dog worlds because Tinker would try with all of her might to kiss DeeDee on the face. My newly adopted Nellie also kisses DeeDee on the face.  I think DeeDee has a sweet maternal soul that all animals love. Even Whitey the chicken prefers to live with her. Today is October 10th the first day of the best year of DeeDee's life. All old faithful dogs deserve to be honored in a blog, don't you think?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wheatless Healthy Berry Yummy Muffins

It is a glorious Fall Saturday.  Rain might be coming our way, beautiful sunshine with nice breezes.  Daulton is watching Oklahoma Sooners (OU) take Texas Longhorns (UT) to the woodshed, much to his dismay and my glee.  I am a bad winner, while I was baking in the kitchen he was taking a large degree of smack-talk from me about Texans. Will and Daulton are both Texans.  Will is on my side though. 

Will has not been feeling well.  He always feels great so I am a little worried about him.  He has been doing his homework to figure out how to feel better.  He is a genius at healthy living so I know he will figure it out.  He said today that he hasn't taken an antibiotic in over 10 years.  I think that is remarkable.  He drinks his lime drink to raise his body pH and get some sodium because he has been getting too much potassium in his orange juice and bananas. I think he also has a sinus infection.

His not feeling well prompted me to invent some healthy muffins that would be wheat free and that would give him some really good nutrients.  They are yummy so I am going to post the recipe for you today.

Wheatless Healthy Yummy Berry Muffins  

Level of difficulty - Easy
Time to prep - 10 minutes
Time to cook - 16 minutes

3 Cups Oat Bran Cereal (find it in the hot cereal section)
1 Cup Golden Milled Flaxseed 
1/2 Cup brown sugar
4 tsp baking powder
4 tsp cinnamon


2 Cups vanilly soy milk or Skim Milk
4 Eggs slightly beaten
1/4 Cup Black Strap Molasses
1/4 Cup honey
2 tsp vanilla
2 TBL vegetable oil

1 Cup chopped pecans
2 Cups fresh or frozen Berries.  I used a triple berry blend but you can use blueberries or blackberries.

Preheat oven to 425.  Line muffin tins with paper liners or spray them with nonstick spray.  Mix at medium speed the wet ingredients.  In a separate bowl combine all the dry ingredients.  Add the dry ingredients slowly to the mixed wet ingredients, mix to combine.  Fold in the pecans and berries.  Fill the muffin tins 3/4 of the way and bake 15-17 minutes until knife inserted comes out clean.  Cool on a rack and enjoy!

I analyzed the recipe.  Each muffin has 266 calories BUT they are VERY high in Omega 3's and have twice as many Omega 3's as Omega 6's.  They are a good source of RDA of calcium (11%), 

iron (9%), copper (9%), vitamin E (12%), magnesium (15%), All the B vitamins, is a perfect protein with all the essential amino acids present in the right proportions and a glycemic load of 13 even though it has sugar, honey and molasses in it.  The zinger is that one muffin as 13% of your daily fiber. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To Hell and Back installment 4

I have been feeling like I need to make another installment to the hell and back series.  I can feel God nudging me because it is never off my mind so read on if you are interested in how God worked out the process of healing terrible damage in me.

First, have you ever heard someone say "I cannot change because this is the way my family was and this is the way I am"? I used to be a person that said that.  I really felt like my inability to have intimate, vulnerable, truthful relationships were the fault of all the people that I had been with in my life.  At 38, after a failed marriage, it was easy to say that my "people picker" was broken and that I needed to get comfortable with being alone because alone was safer than trying to have yet another failed relationship.  I had honestly lost myself, had stuffed emotions for so long, that I really was completely convinced that completely alone was the safest thing for me.

In the meantime, physically, I was plagued with constant headaches, depression, an eating disorder, skin allergies, back problems, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and insomnia.  I have since learned that all of these symptoms were symptoms of my soul crying out for love and relationship with God and others but the journey to learn that was a LONG winding, painful road. 

I can say that digging deep inside our emotions and trying to determine the cause to heal the effect is not for the faint of heart.  You need a strong relationship with God because it is God who needs to give you the direction, timing, courage, strength, faith, perseverance and hope.  If you are reading this and want to heal emotionally and become the person inside that you have always thought you could be but have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior and do not read God's Holy Bible you will really have a difficult and might I say impossible chance of permanent healing and change.  I can share my experiences, but it will be God and the Holy Spirit that enlighten you, challenge you and reveal your most broken parts, not me. You CAN change, you CAN be a whole, healthy, happy, loving person.  If I can, anyone can.  My life is the testimony that brokenness, damage, scars, abuse and addictions can be healed permanently with God's guidance. 

Romans 5

Peace and Hope
 1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 

I want to share with you the history that led to my quest for healing my damaged parts.  THE HISTORY:  My ex-husband and I had separated as I told you before.  We were and are business partners and I was the accountant for our companies.  During our marriage, I kept hoping that I would someday do the right thing that would cause him to love me.  I really did think that it was in my power to bring him to love.  I did not know that there are some people in the world that will not love you no matter what you do.  I had done so many things to kill my soul, my needs, my desires, my instincts to try to please him that there was not anything left of me except the accountant and the person that could be very charming when I needed approval of others.  I really had lost who I was but even I did not know it.  I loved him as much as I understood love and I kept hoping for his love.  I rationalized his terrible behavior and gave in to his bizarre desires for so long that even he said it had become a game to him to continue taking things away from me to see when I would finally break emotionally.  He did not realize that I was broken emotionally when I married him.  I only looked strong and capable on the outside because I had learned to appear that way my whole life.  Thanks be to God that God had a plan for my life and caused the events to work together to get me out of that environment.

At the time we separated, I was living in a house where he did not allow me to use the heat in the winter time.  We slept on down feather-bed mattresses on the living room floor all winter because that was the warmest room in the house.  I was not allowed to eat the food in the refrigerator although I bought all of the food.  I was not ever allowed to eat a meal with him at the table.  He would call me each night 20 minutes before he was to be home and would tell me what he required for dinner and it HAD to be on the table in the right quantity when he walked in the door.  He drank milk every night and it was to be poured into the glass and put in the freezer for exactly 17 minutes. My belongings and supplies were only allowed in one bedroom of the house.  I had to keep a basket with my shower, make-up etc., to carry back and forth because my things could not be left in the bathroom.  I was not allowed to brew coffee, buy rugs, hang pictures, paint, plant grass, flowers or trees.  I was not allowed to have a home phone.  I was not allowed to have even a cell phone or farm radio for the first 7 years.  I was timed when I went to and from town.  He called me about every 20 minutes to keep track of where I was during the last 5 years.  During the last five years, I was required to carry 2 cell phones, a pager and a farm radio with me at all times so that he could always reach me.  I was not allowed to play music in the house.  I was not allowed to be anywhere after dark except my office.  I was expected to work and pay all of the expenses for our household.  His money was his money and he had provided the house and so I was expected to pay everything else. 

As I write this, the change in me has been so profound that I cannot believe that I lived like this even though I know that I did.  People always say that women who are abused should just get out.  Abuse does not happen overnight, it grows and festers and you lose yourself so completely and you are so isolated that you lose sight of who you were and what "right or normal" are. 

We were rarely intimate and when we were, he mentally and verbally fantasized about the girls who worked for me while reminding me of how ugly and fat I was.  I was always ugly, stupid and fat.  His favorite phrase was "when you are in that office, you are the most brilliant accountant there is, but when you turn that key in the lock to come home, you lose all intelligence and you are the most stupid person void of common sense. I doubt you can find your way home half the time". He also reminded me constantly of how I was void of self-discipline because of how fat I was.  Mind you, I weighed 50 pounds less than I do now.  I worked all of the time.  My office was my safe place. I was usually in the office 6-7 days per week and during income tax season worked 12-17 hours per day but had no self-discipline. 

My nesting instinct is still completely broken.  I am still working on trying to regain some part of that. My home and my critters are my passion and love now. I am blessed that Will accepts and loves every part of me.  Will sees good things in me and believes that I am a wonderful woman. I am still not a perfect housekeeper, I have no trace of myself in my home, all of my mother's things are still here exactly the way they were when she died.  I am overwhelmed still by needing to establish what I want in a home but I am getting there.  You are meeting me while I am still a work in progress.

The biggest shame and sorrow that I have is that I never had children.  I never wanted to be anything but a wife and mother. I would beg him each year for a baby.  He always had some kind of goal that had to be accomplished before he would let me get pregnant.  An example of one that took 3 years was "have you bought a white four-door Mercedes and paid for it because you are so stupid you have to put my babies in the safest car possible." We danced that dance where he kept moving the goal-post for 12 years and finally at a banquet I overheard him say that he was not ever going to let me get pregnant because he could get me to move heaven and earth for a baby but if I had a baby I would only want to stay home.  The depths of betrayal, shame, sorrow and utter despair that I felt are indescribable.  I never did have children but God has redeemed the years the locust have eaten because I have been called to be the director of a children's bible study and as I said in previous posts God's Word says that I will have more children as a barren woman than a woman with a husband.  Praise God. 

Now, I want to share with you the pivotal moment that was the beginning of my quest to heal and change and "fix my people-picker".  After the separation, I would only meet my ex-husband in public places to conduct business.  He became very frustrated and told me that I needed to ask a pastor at my Church to let us meet in their office to conduct business.  I called the Church and explained the problem and the lady on the phone said that they had a Christian Counselor on staff that was also a pastor and gave me his phone number to schedule an appointment.  My ex-husband and I went into Robert's office for the first time and Robert asked the question, "Why are you here?"  I remained silent and allowed my ex-husband to talk.  He talked and talked for 45 minutes about what a bitter disappointment I had always been and all kinds of bad things.  At the 45 minute mark, I remember Robert exclaiming "why can't you just love her?" and he said that love had never been a part of the deal and never would be.  He said he had married me because I was a hard worker and was smart and was going to be able to get him where he wanted to be financially and professionally.  I was really sure that Robert was going to tell me that God hates divorce and that I had to go back to him no matter what. 

The pivotal moment of my life was when Robert turned to me and said to me, "Why do you hate yourself?".  A gigantic lump arose in my throat so that it was difficult to answer but I said, "Dude, you have not ever met me before and I have not said a word in this whole deal, there's no way you can make the call that I hate myself!".  He answered, "I don't have to know you to know that you hate yourself.  There's no way you could live with this man for that many years unless you hate yourself.  You know the reason why you hate yourself but you are not going to say it."  I nodded that he was right and by now the lump had grown so that I could not speak.  He asked me what my favorite color is and I responded with a question of what the criteria for a favorite color is.  He said that I had been pleasing people for so long that I had lost myself.  He said that I was such a chameleon that I did not even know who I was, what I liked, .....he said "YOU REALLY NEED HELP! Where are you living? Are you living in a safe place? I said I was and he said I needed to be in his office the next day.  I was and that's where the miraculous healing began that I will start to tell you about in the next installment.  It really does get miraculously better so stay with me.