Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Whitey the Trick Chicken

Whitey the Trick Chicken

Good Morning All.  My last post I was sick and sad but God met me in the grief and sadness and I am feeling better.    I have been up since 3am sneezing so I decided I would tell you the story about Whitey's Adventure this week. 

Last spring, Will bought me 20 baby hens.  The store told us there were 10 California Whites, 5 black sexlinks, and 5 red sexlinks.  I think the store did not have a clue about what they were selling because I have 9 beautiful golden chickens who have sweet dispositions and are great layers and are very social.  I have Whitey who was part of the group of supposed California White's but she was more white and had an eagle looking head.  I now know that she is an Americauna.  The black hens were actually sexlinks but the red sex links are Egyptian chickens called Fayums I think. 

Whitey is my only hen of the mistaken breeds that lays green eggs.  She is also the only one of my hens that lives in the backyard with the dogs...oops dog...DeeDee.  This last several weeks, my hens have been venturing out of my yard and pasture and have been playing in the street.  Sadly, 3 hens have been ran over so I had to take corrective action.  My chickens have been in lock down in their hen house.  I told them that unhappy is better than dead.  Whitey doesn't live in the hen house though, she lays her eggs there when the doors are open in the morning.  She is always there waiting outside the door eager to get inside the nesting box.  This week when I put my other hens on lockdown, that meant that Whitey could not get in and lay her egg.  This development completely discombobulated her.  The first day, she followed me everywhere and kept standing outside the hen house.  She came into the garage and tried to lay an egg up above the wood box.  She got up on the shelves in the tack room and tried to lay an egg.  It was very like the story of the 3 bears for Whitey that day.  The garage was too busy, the tack room shelf was too hard and the barn was just too strange.  I felt so sad for her that I went foraging for something that I could use to make a nest for her.  There were some buckets that my Dad had quite cleverly converted into chicken nests.  I put new hay in it and put it up on the shelf where Whitey nests at night.  That night, I went to check on Whitey and she was not on her roost.  The hay in the nest had not been disturbed.  I looked everywhere for her.  She is my favorite chicken (but that's our private secret, the others cannot know this).  All night long I kept waking up and thinking about Whitey.  Nellie, my dog, and I took a flashlight 4 or 5 times in the night and looked all over the backyard, in the little barn, in the big barn but no Whitey.  There has been a hawk terrorizing us and I was afraid that perhaps it had captured Whitey.  I was very sad.  In the morning, I went looking for her again.  I looked in all the same places but she was missing.  I thought I would re-check the backyard.  I decided to call her name just in case she was in hiding.  I called and then heard a tiny chit chatter....a little warbling brck, brck, brck.  I looked around and could not find her.  I followed the sound and realized the sound was coming from deep in the back of the bucket but the hay was pulled up so I could not see into the bucket.  I called again and my silly chicken worked her head through the hay and poked her little head out looking at me like "here I am silly Mom!".  I checked the bucket after she had climbed out to have her morning constitutional and there was a beautiful green egg. 

I had to share, I hope you are laughing at my goofiness.  I am going to bake some more yummies today.  I am going to post recipes later after I have created all that I intend to.  Have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sad Week


I really hope that all of you are having a better week than I am having.  Have you ever been bombarded by bad things in your life all at once?  I know in the bible Job was surely bombarded much worse than I have been and that gives me the encouragment to know that God is in control and that everything that is happening in my life has been sifted through His loving hands.  He never leaves me nor forsakes me.  He uses all things for good for me.  I will see the work of His hand in causing all these things to happen.  I am reflecting today that I need to pray to learn quickly all the lessons wrapped in all these trials so that they will be over and I will not experience them again.  Do you know what I mean?

December is tough for me........really really really tough.  I am struggling to try to make December better this year but I have not had a good start.  December is the month of the year that I am always very conscious that I do not belong anywhere.  It always makes me very sad.  I hope that Will and I can start a new pack of December traditions that will remove the fear of December in me.  He is working nights all month though so I will not see him much this month.  Daulton leaves next week for his Mom's for the Christmas break.  I am going to spend the lonely blocks of time seeking God's fellowship. 

December 2 is the anniversary of my Mom's graduation into heaven.  I am secure in the knowledge that I know where she is and I know she is much better and happier there.  I miss her lots though this time of year because it has been two years and I can still hear her voice in my head exclaiming joy at the first snowfall, giving me advice on how to winterize everything, admonishing me to cover my head, put on house slippers and to not go out of the house with a wet head.  I am smiling while I am typing this to you because I really can hear her in my head. I miss her.

This week we had our first snowfall of the year and it was lovely to wake up to.  I have several employees sick so I had to work but then I caught their yuckiness and was running a fever so I could not attend the blessed TMBS Christmas luncheon yesterday.  Monday we found a hen had frozen to death in the snow.  She was Lucy Goosey and I feel like a horrid mother because I was at work and she was cold and I was not here to help her.  Yesterday, I went out into the little storage room where my outside dogs live and found one of my Mom's dogs, Taylor had died in the night.  I do not know what she died of.  She was only five.  I had bought her for Mom when she had first been diagnosed with cancer so that she would have a little puppy to bring her joy.  She did her job admirably.  I am sad that she has died though.  Daulton helped me bury them yesterday afternoon.  I was glad that Taylor can be in heaven with Mom. Yes, I am a person who believes that all dogs go to heaven whether it's scriptural or not.  I base this on God loving all of His creatures and in my own pollyanna way, I need to believe that I will see my beloved dogs in heaven.  I think that when I am heaven and discover that it might not be true, I will be in heaven and it will not matter to me by then.  Yesterday, one of our neighbors sadly committed suicide.  Yesterday was a completely awful day and to have a day like that with a bad cold and a fever........oh well, today is another day.  The sun is shining, the Lord who loves me is seated on His throne in heaven and I have many blessings to count. 

Today, Wednesday, I am taking Will to the dentist to have some major work done on a terrible tooth that is hurting him.  He is afraid of needles and they are going to need to give him anything possible to help him not freak out. 

I have serious doubts about my abilities and my worthiness for anything today. I do not feel like I am doing anything well so I ask those of you reading this to pray that God will speak to me in my quiet place and help me to yank myself up out of the doldrums and seek God's shining face in the midst of these trials.  Crisis is not fun.  My sister said in her blog this week that crisis makes her run back to God and see the blessings of life with new fervor.  I know lots of people in this world are disappointed in me today.  I really need God's strength to help me to be a person who even I can be thankful for. 

Sorry I had to vent in this blog and write these thoughts.  I hope you can read it and be thankful that you are not having the week that I am having.
