Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tired Tuesday

Good Evening

Today is a short posting because I was with 12 two and three year old children this morning and my brain is foggy.  I wanted to update on the adventures of Will and I before I forget what we did.

He LOVES his new position at work.  I love that he is not stressed.  Daulton loves that he only has to work 8 hours per day.  I cannot express my gratitude and thankfulness that God worked out his situation perfectly and in God's time. I really had confidence a year ago when we started praying for Will to be able to get out of his old position but like most people I did lose focus a couple times during the year as a result of impatience or frustration.  I rejoice in the way that God worked it all out though. 

At bible study we are studying Genesis and this week we were studying Genesis 18 where the three visitors come to Abraham's tent.  God tells Abraham that Sarah, Abraham's wife, will have a son when He returns the same time next year.  Sarah was eavesdropping inside the tent and laughed and thought to herself how impossible that was since she was worn out and Abraham was so old.  I was trying to think of a way to explain to 2 and 3 year old children that waiting on God's time and patience are good things.  I really believe that I failed.  I must admit that I am not the most patient person, or have not been in the past.  I am beginning to mature enough to know that anything that I want that is outside of God's will for my life comes at too high a price.  I did not make my point though to the babies.  I am thankful that Genesis will have several more lessons that involve waiting on God and so I will pray for wisdom and maybe I will be more successful next time.

This past weekend we worked very hard.  A water line in the big barn had been broken and so we worked helping to repair that.  We then went down to the little fishing lake on this property to begin the clean-up after the damage caused by the swamp monster.  We had to carry trees, limbs, brush and make piles to burn.  We cleared brush, fished trees out of the water and raked the shoreline to beautify it and make it much more useful for camping.  We made a decent dent in the process but we still have a long way to go.  Will was so sore that he hurt every step, every sit and every stand.  I did not work as hard as he did so I was not as sore.  He probably lost more weight than I did though, bummer for me.

Damage before. We carried all of these trees, twigs and brush and made burn piles.     
 Boston is the dear little dog in the foreground.  Tonight, I could not find my horse, Flicka.  She usually comes running when I whistle but did not tonight.  I asked Will if he would take me to hunt for her on the 4-wheeler.  We thought we were taking an evening ride to find Flicka and then go deer spotting.  We got on the 4-wheeler just as Flicka crested a hill at a trot coming home.  She is my horse-dog.  After that we were going deer spotting.  We love to ride around on the 4-wheeler and spot beautiful deer crossing out of the timber to come to the lake and drink.  Tonight Boston was running beside the 4-wheeler and across our back pasture, we saw a gorgeous large buck and a doe.  We did not think Boston saw them at first but then he bolted.  He ran so fast that we could not catch him.  He chased the deer into the timber/forest and disappeared.  Oh my!!!! We were terrified.  We were yelling and whistling for him but did not find him for what seemed an eternity, about 10 minutes.  I felt like a parent who says when they find a missing child that they do not know whether to hug or scold and always end up hugging. 

All is well now, Flicka is home, Boston is safe and I am going to bed early.  Thank you Lord for protecting us all.


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