Monday, October 10, 2011

DeeDee's Day

This evening I sat on my front porch.  The brilliant full moon was rising in the east.  The setting sun cast a glow over my brilliant verdant green pastures.  My hens were contentedly pecking in the grass.  The birds were singing. Little baby Grace was across the street playing and her peels of laughter floated across. My two small dogs were outside with me excitedly exploring the scents left during the day.  I decided to let my old border collie DeeDee out of the backyard to join us. 

DeeDee belonged to my Mom and Dad.  No one knows how old she truly is.  My sister, Kim took a guess at 16. She is an ageless dog. Her facial expressions and body language speak for her.....loudly.  Tonight her ears were forward, her eyes were smiling and she did that adorable bouncy thing with her front legs.  She loves to roam about the yard and by the barns with me. Today she got so excited, when I invited her to come out to roam with Boston, Nellie and I, that she was no help at all with penning up the chickens. She is usually my ace at circling the chickens and moving them to their pen at night but tonight there were too many fun things for her to do so work was out of the question.  I did not mind though because she has earned the right to run and romp and explore.

My Mom said she came to the farm as a stray.  Mom said that she and Dad were working in the garden and something started rustling in the corn.  Mom said she was afraid it was a snake and so she had the hoe poised to chop when out of the corn came a filthy crippled border collie puppy.  They named her DeeDee (D.D.) which stands for dirty dog.  She was starving and injured so they took her into the house and bathed and fed her and she has not ever left.  I keep her in the fenced backyard because I could not bear to have her be hit by a car.  I told her tonight that I am going to let her have the best year of her long life this year.  For DeeDee that means being let out of the backyard every time I am outside doing chores or walking. When I moved here, I had a perfect little Westie named Tinker.  Tinker was only 2 when I moved here and she was a might mischievous, ALL terrier. Sweet DeeDee would let her chew on the side of her face for a little bit but then she would raise up on her front paws so that Tinker could not reach her face.  She never snapped at Tinker.  Tinker eventually grew out of the terrible 2's.  Tinker was a bit of a brute to all dogs except DeeDee. DeeDee is special in dog worlds because Tinker would try with all of her might to kiss DeeDee on the face. My newly adopted Nellie also kisses DeeDee on the face.  I think DeeDee has a sweet maternal soul that all animals love. Even Whitey the chicken prefers to live with her. Today is October 10th the first day of the best year of DeeDee's life. All old faithful dogs deserve to be honored in a blog, don't you think?

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